Monday, August 22, 2011

Love that smile

This is a picture I just had to share, a genuine smile, so often when I take pictures, I get a silly smile or a overdone smile, but this one is your happy smile


  1. Vicky you done an awesome job telling the heartbreak of going through the stages to finally reconizing your child has autism, but through it all you loved and him and by writing this blog you have goven people more insight to people who dont know the struggles that you have face and will face the rest of his life.. Being a grandmother of an autist child even I cant grast all the patience and grit that parents have to go throgh on a daily bases. may God give you strengh and wisdom for your continuing journey.

  2. I very rarely get my son to even look at the camera. Your son has a beautiful smile.
    (Lady Valkyrie)

  3. Thank you ladies, and I really am hopeful that far more peoeple will see autism for what it is, I hate feeling like people look at Caleb as a misbehaved child, he is such a sweet and loving boy and I am going to do everything I can to make sure his life is as great as possible
